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Season 77 Announcement Season 77 has been chosen! Click here for details. 

Lettice and Lovage

Written by Peter Shaffer
Directed by Craig Allen Mummey
Performance Dates: May 6 - 28, 2011

Lettice Douffet, an expert on Elizabethan cuisine and medieval weaponry, is an indefatigable enthusiast of history and the theatre. She is also a tour guide at Fustian House, "one of the least stately and least interesting of Britain's" stately homes. Lettice begins to embellish its historical past and her lecture gains theatricality and romance as it strays from the facts. Lotte Schon, an inspector from the Preservation Trust, is neither impressed nor entertained by these uninhibited and less than factual history lessons. Lotte fires Lettice, but gradually becomes fascinated by her unusual past, her romantic world-view and her refusal to accept the mediocre and the second rate. To entertain themselves, the two new friends begin to secretly reenact the the trials and deaths of England's most infamous kings, queens, and mistresses, but the fun nearly turns to murder and sets the two women off on a course neither one ever expected.