2025 03 colonial players logo

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Students Go Free at CP Students can see shows for free at CP! Click here for details!
Season 77 Announcement Season 77 has been chosen! Click here for details. 


The Colonial Players, Inc. is a not-for-profit, all-volunteer community theater with an open casting policy. All auditions are open to the public and no roles are pre-cast. All roles are non-paying. Auditions are held in our Annex at 2132 Renard Court (off General’s Highway near the Annapolis Mall) unless otherwise noted. All performances are held at 108 East Street, just off State Circle, in historic Annapolis. The Colonial Players welcomes actors and other volunteers of all backgrounds and skill levels.

The Colonial Players, Inc. always welcomes new members! The fee for our Adult Annual Membership is $10 per year. First time volunteers receive a complimentary membership, valid through the end of the current membership year. Youth under 18 also receive a membership at no cost. Click here to sign up for an Adult membership online! 

(Note: If multiple shows are auditioning simultaneously, they are listed below in the order in which they occur in our season. Please scroll down if the show you're looking for is not immediately below this header.)