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Season 77 Announcement Season 77 has been chosen! Click here for details. 

Private Lives

Written by Noel Coward
Directed by Rick Wade
Performance dates: September 17 - October 9, 2010

This classic comedy, by one of the icons of the sophisticated, worldly, superior and self-absorbed upper classes of the 30's, reflects all the values they embraced, values that left them open to the merciless satire that Coward inflicted on them in Private Lives. When Amanda and Elyot meet accidentally at the same hotel, their passions carry them away from the wedding nights of their new marriages into a tumultuous return to their marriage and divorce of years before. The comedy reveals what split them up, pricking the sensibilities and efforts at decorum they fail so hilariously to maintain. Swept away by their emotions, trying to behave correctly but overmatched by their feelings, they have provided delighted audiences with hilarious evenings at the theater for 80 years.

Note: This is a change to the season initially announced and replaces The Great Sebastians.